Friday, March 1, 2013

Missing: A lovable labradoodle named Morgan

My sweet Morgan went missing this afternoon--now, I know she is ok, someone found her and turned her in, but it was past the sheriff's closing time, so my poor doggie has to spend the night in the pound.  Poor girl :(

I really don't know what happened, but after thinking of it more, this is what I think happened.  I let her and Madison out a the same time.  The dogs love to just wander around the yard and they really don't ever venture out of the yard so we don't always have their collars on.  Madison is the one a couple of weeks ago who started to go out of the yard and that is the only time that I have ever seen either one of them leave the yard.  We starting putting the collars on them again, but Morgan's battery didn't work so I didn't have it on them.  After a while Madison wanted to come back in, but Morgan loves the snow and would stay out all afternoon.  So I thought nothing of it.  After a while, we decided to walk down to get the mail.  I went out, called for Morgan, no Morgan.  Looked around the house, nowhere to be seen.  Started to panic.  Checked in the house to make sure she didn't get stuck somewhere even though I knew she wasn't inside, nope not there.  Loaded the girls into the car--windows down, yelling for her.  Nowhere to be found.  Drove back home in hopes that she was there, nope.  Left the girls in the car, tried to follow random tracks through the snow but who knows what was dog tracks vs. deer tracks vs. coyote tracks.  Back in the car, keep driving around, screaming for her.  Nothing.  Thank god I don't see her hurt on the side of the road!  Frantically try to find the number for the police department, but it is hard to do while driving and screaming out the window.  Call Kevin and tell him to try to call.  Go back home again--ask a few people, including the UPS man, if they have seen a yellow dog wandering around.  Nope.  Finally, get a call back from Kevin who talked to the sheriff that someone had dropped her off, but we couldn't pick her up until the morning.  Relief, but I am still left wondering what happened.

After a bit of thought my most plausible hypothesis is that the house next door is going up for sale and someone there saw her and thought she was lost. When I pulled into the drive way today, I saw they had a lock box on their door.  Well, this afternoon while searching for Morgan, I noticed that their was a For Sale sign now in their front yard.  My thought is that someone went to their house to put up the sign and Morgan just pranced over to say hi and since she didn't have tags on the people thought she was lost.  Now, I'm sure it was the relator who came to put the sign up and the house is vacant so there are no owners there that would know this was our dog, so I know that this person truly was just trying to do the right thing and I am thankful for that.  I am thankful that my Morgan is safe, but I know she is probably not loving spending the night away from home by herself.  I can only imagine the pound is not luxurious.  Does she even have food?  And she doesn't have a nice pillow to sleep on.  She must be so scared and wants to come home.  Poor baby.  You better believe that I will be waiting in the parking lot for the pound to open up tomorrow morning.

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