Tuesday, September 6, 2011

18-months and 4-months

Kiley is 18-months old today--a year and a half, can you believe it.  I can not, she is halfway to two, and I swear we just had here first birthday party.  But, I guess a lot has also changed in the past six months (hello Ella, we haven't forgotten about you). 

Kiley is learning all kinds of new things these days and says so many new words.  It is still somewhat hard to make out what she is trying to say sometimes, but she is getting a lot better and is repeating a lot more of what we say (guess I have to start watching what I say around her now).  Some of her favorite words these days are shoe and go.  First thing in the morning she always wants to get out her shoes and then says go in car.  Where she wants to go, I have no idea, but at least she is motivated!

She also tries to mimic everything that we do.  The other day I caught her trying to shave her legs in the bathtub, ha! She also tries to take care of Ella just like I do, trying to give her empty bottles, putting the pacifier in her mouth the wrong way.  It is really cute, but considering she doesn't really understand the concept of being gentle makes life a little difficult for Ella.  She also loves her purses, and most of the time is carrying around at least one, if not more (the girl has a lot to carry around I tell ya.) 

 She seriously loves dogs--not only our dogs, but every dog she sees she just cracks up.  She is also starting to get into other animals. We have taken a few trips to the zoo recently, and she is just now starting to show an interest in the animals.  The other day at the zoo we went into the children's area where they had some pets at home--guess what her favorite was--the RATS-disgusting!

I think that her favorite color is purple or blue--she says blue a lot but then whenever she is coloring she tends to like the purple one a lot so I'm not really sure which one is really her favorite.  She loves coloring these days and it is confirmed that I'm pretty sure she is right-handed, which is funny since Kevin and I are both left-handed.

She still doesn't really watch any tv--and that is not for me not trying (that sounds terrible doesn't it?)  She will watch a few minutes of Sesame Street, and she really likes Cookie Monster, but other than that she doesn't show any interest in tv.  I have no idea where she gets that from, since Kevin and I both love tv and I have my fall lineup ready to go!  She's been much more into books these days and has a couple of favorites, but she rarely will sit down long enough for me to actually read the entire book.  The kid is so busy all the time!

She moves fast these days--sometimes even running in circles around the house.  Her dancing is pretty cute--it's basically a wide-legged bounce of the knees. I have tried to videotape it a bunch of times, but everytime she knows I am watching, she won't do it again.  She also does the Itsy Bitsy Spider motion with her arms sometimes as her dancing.  As well, she has made me proud, and now will spin when I ask her--now I just need to teach her how to spot.

She is just starting to wear 24 month clothes, still wears a size 4 diaper, and I think is a size 6 shoe.  We have some major fall shopping to do here soon because she basically has nothing for fall. 

So, that is Kiley in a nutshell right now.  She is so much fun, but also so tiring if you can't tell--oh and the tantrums have started big time with her!!!  I need to remember to ask our dr. about that at her appointment because I can already see that she loves any sort of attention, even negative--she just looks at me and laughs or has a giant meltdown. 

And with Ella's birthday only 2 days behind--I decided to put them in the same post so not to bore you with two updates in the same week. 

Ella is the sweetest thing.  She smiles all the time now, and it is so cute when she does the scrunched up nose smile.  She doesn't make too many other faces, but like many people say, she looks just like a doll.  I know I am biased, but she is really cute!

She is sitting up with the help of her bumbo chair and can roll to her side from her back.  We need to do more tummy time, but it is hard to do with Kiley around because again, Kiley and gentle don't really go together. 

She is an awesome sleeper at night--6 pm-6 am and doesn't even have to eat.  She makes up for it in the daytime though as she is now eating 8 oz. bottles for the most part.  During the day, her naps can be pretty inconsistent still, but she usually takes 2 short naps in the morning and a longer nap in the afternoon which works out well for me since both girls will sleep around the same time. 

She is in 3 month clothes and size 1 diapers.  She seems to be skinnier and longer than Kiley was, so Kiley's clothes aren't exactly fitting her, especially now that Kiley 3 month stuff was mostly summer stuff and I think that it will be a while before Ella is ready for 6 month clothes. 

Ella is starting to show her personality a little more--the one thing that she really does not like is to be startled by something.  If there's a loud noise or the dogs go barking, she lets out the biggest cry. It's kind of funny because it is definitey a "you pissed me off" cry rather than a hungry or wet cry. 

Here are so of my favorite pics from the last month! 

So, happy 18-months and 4-months to my little babies.  Mommy and Daddy love you guys so much and we can't imagine what we did before having you in our lives to keep us entertained! 

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