Monday, September 12, 2011

Weekend Update

I am TIRED today. The weekend was not great.  I got sucked into watching every single 9/11 memorial show/broadcast that was on tv, so it already seemed like a somber weekend.  Then, Saturday morning Kiley woke up sounding more hoarse than normal.  She was crabby at her first soccer class, but I figured she was just tired from already being at the gym daycare that morning.  I got her McDonald's for lunch to help make her feel better-ha (or maybe I just wanted McDonald's).  When we got home, I gave her some ibprofen (unbeknownst to me at the time that the medicine dropper that I was using actually gave her a double dose). After her nap, I realized what I had done and got all freaked out.  I made Kevin call the doctor to see what we should do.  Luckily, our doctor said she should be fine and what I had given her wasn't that far off of the dosage for her age and weight, but I felt soooo guilty.  FYI--always check the syringe that you are using and make sure you look up the dosage for concentrated drops vs. the syrup.  So, after that it seemed like Kiley was feeling better.  We went for a walk, had dinner, and got her to bed.  She woke up a little while later burning up and the coughing seemed to be getting worse.  We gave her some more medicine (I made Kevin give it to her this time) and she went back to sleep, but was awake almost every hour.  Kevin actually even slept on the floor next to her crib.

So Sunday morning, I took her to the doctor and low and behold she has croup.  Luckily, she should be fine in no time and there really isn't more to do for it other than wait it out as it is a viral infection and clears up just like a cold would, but she was definitely pretty miserable yesterday and still this morning.  I think that she is finally starting to feel better now as she has been playing all morning and is now down for a nap, but it has been a long couple of days.  We are laying low at home again today and she has been fever free since yesterday morning so hopefully she will be ready to go again tomorrow.  It makes for a LONG day when you are home all day long with a toddler and a baby-especially when the toddler doesn't sit still for a minute, even when she is sick.  On top of that, Ella decided last night, that between 3:30 and 5:30 she didn't need to sleep so I am hoping it was just a one night thing and she goes back to sleeping through the night tonight.  So, needless to say, I am really looking forward to a few days away later this week!!!!! 

So today during nap time, I am sitting and doing nothing.  There are plenty of things that I could be doing, but I think that I deserve this time to surf the internet and watch tv, so that is what I am going to do. 

Hope everyone's weekend was a little better than mine and hopefully my week only goes up from here.

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