Friday, September 9, 2011

Kiley's first day of school

Kiley had her first day of "school" today.  She is going two mornings a week and I think that she is going to love it.  She was a little unsure of it at first and cried for a few minutes as I was leaving, but she was such a big girl and stopped crying pretty quickly after I left (that is what the director told me, they may just tell all the first day parents that though to ease their minds). 
But, when I got back, she was happily playing and came running up excited to see me and Ella, so I think that it was a success.  She did have a change of clothes on as this classroom is working on drinking only from a cup (no sippy cups), so I was told she had a little trouble with that.  We will keep working on that at home :)  She fell asleep almost the second that she got in the car. 
I think this is going to work out really well for us, which is funny because I really struggled with this decision for awhile.  I'm not going to lie, it is expensive, but I think that she is going to really love it there and learn so much. Plus it gives me some time to get some stuff done around the house and errands run, which is just too hard to do with a baby and a toddler.  I'm glad that I made the decision because I really think that it is going to make me a better mom to have a little time just for me and Ella-and just myself when Ella is taking her morning nap. 

So, overall, I think it was a success.  Now, we will just have to wait and see how she does on Tuesday once she realizes a little more that she is staying there by herself.  I think that she will do great though, her teachers seem awesome and she loves being around other kids, so I am pretty proud of her!

In other news, we went to the doctor yesterday for Ella and Kiley's well visits.

Ella gained two pounds in the past month!  Granted, she is still under 10 pounds, but she is close 9 lbs. 14 oz.  She is also 22 5/8 inches long.  She is actually on the charts for her lenth (5%), but still under for her weight and head circumference, but she is just a peanut all around.  The dr. was happy with her progress and said she looks good!  Funny thing is she is the same length as Kiley was at her 4 month appointment, but Kiley was 3 pounds heavier--so Ella seems a lot longer to us because she is still so skinny.

Kiley weighed in at 23 lbs. 8 oz. and 31 3/4 inches.  She is pretty much average for both height and weight--even a little above average for height which is funny to me because I always think that she is pretty short.  She looked good too.  So all in all it was a good visit. 

We I don't have much planned for the weekend (Kevin has a lot of plans football watching).  Kiley is starting her first day of "soccer" tomorrow. That should be pretty funny.  A bunch of 18 month olds trying to play soccer.  Kevin is going to do it with her, but I'm sure that I will go along for the ride, plus I have to take plenty of pictures.  Wow, now that I write this, it has been a big week for Kiley.  School, soccer, doctors--I think that she will be ready to hang out with dad on the couch on Sunday for some football watching as well. 

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