Friday, January 13, 2012


You know how they say it takes 7-8 weeks to actually makes something a habit--ugh, that's a long time.  Again with my lack of patience, I want things to happen immediately-even if it is a habit that I have perfected over the course of many years.  Going with my theme of trying to be more purposeful with my time this year--I decided that a major time waster of mine is having the tv on during the day, so this week I decided it was time to kick that bad habit. Well, I am now on day 4 and it is TOUGH.  It's not like I was watching a lot of tv, but it was definitely on for background noise and it was a mindless distraction every once in a while.  It's interesting that when you start holding yourself more accountable for your time, you find that things you did were huge time wasters.  I made my 2 week Facebook ban and that has really helped so I think that I am going to stick with it.  The tv thing though is probably going to take the whole 7-8 weeks to really become an easy thing day to day.  But, like I said, my main goal this year is to be a good role model and I don't want my girls to become couch potatoes, so I can't be one either :)  I must say though, that this whole being a good role model is making me more thoughtful about actions, words and behaviors and if I have to break a bad habit, I guess it's worth the 7-8 weeks of pain so that I am being a better mom!

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