Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy 2012!

Well, Kevin is back to work, Kiley is back to school, the holidays are over and now we are getting back to the grind.  Obviously, I failed big time on trying to post every day in December, but life got in the way--big time!!!!  We got busy with family in town and getting ready for Christmas and well nothing around the house got accomplished-to the point where we spent the last four days doing about 20 loads of laundry, taking down Christmas decorations, trying to find places for new toys, etc.  Note to self--don't take a break from household duties for two weeks at a time again.

Anyways, here we are in a new year.  New resolutions have been made and I can't wait to get a new calendar to start organizing plans for 2012 (first I need to purchase that calendar!) My biggest resolution this year is to be a better role model.  It encompasses a lot of things, but that is the overarching goal.  I have some new ideas up my sleeve for the blog.  I think that I got a little bored with it by the end of the year, so I am going to switch it up a bit. I really want to make a point to become an actual blogger--not just an occasional write down random thoughts on the internet person.  My other goals are to finally lose the baby weight and get back in shape.  I signed up for the half marathon so there is no backing down now and thanks to mom and dad, I laced up my new running shoes today and got in 4.5 miles (granted it was a combo run/walk and it was not fast), but I guess my only goal is to finish the race!!!

I am also working on every two weeks setting a couple of mini-goals.  My first couple of the year are 1.  No facebook and 2. No pop.  Facebook is a really silly one, but it is so addictive and I need to start utilizing my time in a better way (see above, by doing laundry :) )  The second came about because quite frankly I ran out of my Cherry Coke Zero and I didn't want to make a run to the grocery store just to get it, plus I always know that I need to drink more water and per main resolution to be a better role model.  I don't want the girls drinking pop so I guess I shouldn't either.

I know-sounds like I am trying to make a lot of changes, but really I am just trying to take this year to focus on bettering myself for me and my family.  The last couple of years have included A LOT of changes and at times just surviving those changes has been a feat for me.  So, this year, I am going to focus on growing and bettering myself.  I want to be a better wife and mother.  I want to be a better friend.  I want to grow.  And I want to be proud of myself for taking on some new challenges and fulfilling my goals.  I know that I will stumble from time to time, but I don't want to fail.  Again in being a better role model, I want to show my girls that you can set goals and with hard work you can fulfill them.  So here's to 2012.  I'm excited for the start of the new year!!!  Hope yours is off to a good start as well.

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