Monday, August 15, 2011

The Beginning

So I am finally getting on the blogging bandwagon!  I figure, for the amount of time that I spend reading other people's blogs, I might as well start my own.  At least I know my family and friends will enjoy reading about my day to day hilarity of raising two girls 14 months apart, managing two dogs (one of which thinks that she is a 65 pound lapdog), and still being somewhat sane by the time my husband gets home from work. 

Kevin and I on our wedding day (obviously). I tried to locate a picture of the day we actually met, but somehow I couldn't find a picture from Cam's circa 1998.  I love this picture in that I think that it is cute, but also because neither one of us plays the piano, but hey why not take a picture with one on our wedding day :)
To catch you up on my life in 30 seconds or less--I am the stay-at-home mom to Kiley (aka Moose) and Ella (aka Elephant).  Don't ask my why we call Kiley, Moose, because I don't really have a good reason, other than we started calling her that and it stuck and Ella is elephant-and I am pretty sure you can figure that one out.  Kevin and I have been married for 3 years now and met in college at Indiana University and the story behind it is well long, and a story for another day when I have more time and Kiley is not upstairs screaming, refusing to take her nap.  I used to be a school psychologist which was an awesome job. If only I could blog about some of the crazy stories and kids that I met, but that damn confidentiality law :) I also used to dance in high school, college, and then went on to coach the dance team at the high school that I worked at.  It was definitely fun at the time, but it took up way too much of my time.  I am seriously hoping that I don't end up one day on the show Dance Moms-those women are crazy and I honestly have only watched one episode but it seems right up my alley.  Morgan and Madison are our two dogs.  Morgan is a labradoodle and Madison (aka Fatdog) is our lapdog. 

The girls
Kiley and Ella

The Pollack family photo (March 2011)-just because I need to be able to distinguish the dogs.  Morgan is the blond haired dog who has a deer in headlights look in the picture and Madison is the black one who couldn't even bother to sit up for the picture.  I'm pretty sure Kevin might even be holding her head up, how lazy is Madison. 

So what is my blog going to be about you ask?  I have no idea.  I thought that maybe I should come up with a concept first before starting, but that could take years, and well I don't have time for that.  So, my blog will basically be about whatever I feel like blogging about--probably mostly my kids, family, friends, receipes (if and when I have time to cook), random thoughts, and probably a lot of pictures and videos to keep our out of town families up-to-date on the kiddos.  Yes, I could do that on facebook, but I'm pretty sure my 83 other friends don't want to see a daily post about something cute that I think that my kids did-because quite frankly, I really don't care about seeing a daily post about what their kid did either, however, that doesn't stop me from logging into my facebook a million times a day.  Also, I have no idea about formatting or doing anything with a blog, so bear with me as I learn things as I go. 

So there you have it, my first post and Kiley is still screaming and refusing to nap :) Welcome to my blog and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. For those of us who are nearing the end, this is wonderful stuff! It makes me want to go and look in the cabinet in my downstairs bathroom for some unknown reason…

    (that's not nearly as sinister as it may at first appear, have faith!)
