Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Walking the dogs

So walking the dogs in our house is no easy feat.  Let me start with the preparation, which takes about 10 minutes, at least.  First, I have to get my coffee, then Kiley needs to have a snack and water, and Ella needs to be fed and put in her carseat.  Then comes the process of getting everyone downstairs, while the dogs are going nuts because just the statement "You want to go for a . . ." sends them into a tailspin.  They literally do this thing where it looks like they are high-fiving each other.  Once everyone is in the stroller and leashes are on, I have to make sure that pacifiers are in the stroller because let me tell you that getting a mile away from home and having a meltdown is no fun.  Yes-I did, on one occassion, have to carry a baby home, push the stroller and walk two dogs for about 10 blocks--so no I will never forget the pacifiers again. 

So needless to say, I get plenty of comments from passerbys while I am walking the kids and dogs.  People think they are so clever with the "Eh, you got your hands full."  I pretty much hear that statement at least once a walk, if not more.  I also love the people that look into the stroller to see if I actually have an infant in the infant carrier-no I am just pushing a double stroller with an infant carrier for fun. 

Yes, we do take up an entire city sidwalk

Kiley all set up with her snacks.  One thing I have leared as a parent, you can never have enough snacks on hand!

So back to the punchline of this post-I was walking the dogs yesterday and we came across another lady walking her cute yellow lab.  Now usually, I do not let the dogs "greet" other dogs because it is just to much for me to handle while also trying to drink my coffee (and I never let them greet little dogs because those suckers are mean).  So, for some reason, I let the dogs go and greet this nice lab.  (Sidenote on Morgan--she is a little like me, extremely nosy and at times has an issue with personal space, but then when she feels that someone is getting into her personal space she gets all jumpy and anxious).  So, Morgan does this and the nice yellow lab does not like the smell of Morgan so they get into a growling, barking match.  I repeatedly am trying to get Morgan to come along by saying "Morgan come", "Let's go Morgan" etc. I basically said Morgan about 5 or 6 times. 

As we are walking away the nice dog owner says "Oh that's funny, your dog's name is Jorge." 

Me (with a bewildered look on my face):  Um, no it's Morgan.

To complete the walk, I also had the privilege of seeing a rat run right across the sidewalk in front of me not once, but twice.  Disgusting, but the dogs thought that it was really cute and wanted to take it home as a pet.

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