Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Dear Pregnant Lady at Gap giving me nasty looks while my daughter has a meltdown,
Yes, I bring my two children to BabyGap to torture them by shopping and buying clothes for them. 


Dear Gap employees,
While I am sure that you did not appreciate my daughter screaming because I would not let her down and run around your store, I bet you would rather hear the screaming for 10 minutes while I get my butt in and out of there quickly.  By listening to the 10 minutes of screaming, believe me, it saved you 30 minutes of having to clean up after her if she was quiet and tearing your store apart. 


Dear Chipotle,
I wanted to stop by and have you for lunch today, however, as you can see from the above letters, my daughter was in no mood for a girl's lunch because I had just tortured her by buying her new clothes. Maybe my loving husband will stop by your place tonight and pick me up something since I had to miss out on coming over for lunch.


Dear Loving Husband,
Please stop by Chipotle and pick me up dinner. 


Dear Stephanie (my Jenny Craig consultant),
While I know that Chipotle is not part of the Jenny Craig mealplan, quite frankly, I don't care.  Now, ask me again on Saturday when you weigh me in and I may have a different feeling about that, but for now, I would rather just have a big fat burrito bowl rather than your frozen spaghetti and meatballs.


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