Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Things I'm loving today. . .

1.  The fact that Kiley calls boxers--boxer panties.  So manly, I bet Kevin loves it.

2.  Snow in January.  Yes this may sound weird to actually want snow, but after a day of massive rain, snow seems a little more wintery-one of these days we may even get enough snow to go sledding.

3.  Yogurt covered frozen blueberries.  Dip blueberries in greek yogurt, throw it in the freezer for about an hour, and there you have it, delicious frozen treat.

4.  Seeing my girls fold their hands and pray during music.  Love that they love church and look forward to going every week.

5.  Hearing Kiley say she needs a "ife."  I have no idea why she can't pronounce the kn in knife since she knows how to pronouce her K's.  The other one that always gets her these days is v in elevator--it always comes out sounding like alligator.  Yes, we can take the alligator down to music :)

6.  Cleaning out my closet.  Why is it that getting rid of stuff can be so difficult, yet feel so good at the same time?  I love myself a good purge.  Now onto the girl's closets--that's a little harder for me.

7.  Having dogs that guard the house 24/7.  Except for when they are barking at the wind-yeah that's kind of annoying.

8.  Taking a few minutes during the brief (aka 10 minute) nap-time to have a cup of coffee and read a book. 

9.  This girl. . .

 10.  And This girl. . .

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Learning to say No

I'm sure that we all have hit times in our lives where there is just too much going on, things get hectic, we get stressed, and we end up not really enjoying anything that we are doing.  I don't think that this just relates to moms, or women, or those who work vs. stay home, I think that it hits everyone at some point in our lives and we have to learn when and how to say no. 

When I first had Kiley and decided to stay home, I wanted to do all the mommy-and-me classes.  No joke, I think that I had Kiley going to some sort of class every morning of the week.  In the city, it was just what you did.  Even if someone had older or younger kids, they would have a babysitter at home full time so they could cycle through taking each kid to their respective activities.  For a while, it was fun and I enjoyed meeting other moms, but after awhile, the days started to get a little exhausting.  Scheduling classes in between naps--sometimes even two activities a day, just started to wear on me and Kiley.   She didn't really want to participate in baby sign language and she wasn't getting much out of baby movement-heck she could barely walk at the time let alone do downward dog.  Music class was just a bunch of babies wandering around the classroom putting the instruments in their mouths while the moms chatted about what they were going to sign up for next.  It got exhausting.  Thankfully, I had Ella so quickly after Kiley that I didn't have a choice but to stop attending mommy-and-me class.  I tried at first to bring Ella along in her carrier, but I soon realized that it was just not worth it.  Kiley didn't participate and Ella was starting to get to the age where she was not cool with sitting in her carrier sleeping while her sister got all of my attention.  So, I slowly pulled out of most classes and structured activities.  I still tried to make the occasional playgroup but even those were tough to make with two little girls on two different schedules, let alone just the sheer effort of getting out the house with both kids and all of their stuff. 

Then we decided to move and most of our time was taken up by cleaning, house showings, and house searching--and stressing over the move process.  Then we come to this year where we have moved, we finally feel settled and I have more time on my hands again.  At first, I tried to really acclimate myself to the community and really get into a bunch of things, and once again, at first I enjoyed it and was thrilled to have stuff on my calendar again.  Birthday parties, women's club meetings, book clubs, etc.  But, once again, I hit a wall.  I had too much jam packed into the weekends and on week nights I was racing off as soon as Kevin would get home to run of to some meeting or another.  When the girls were at school, I would run my errands like a crazy lady and not even enjoy the couple hours I had free from kids.  I wasn't enjoying much of what I was doing anymore because there was just simply to much going on. 

So, this year, one of my goals has been to learn to say no.  To be more thoughtful in what I sign up for, volunteer for, rsvp to, and so on.  My girls don't need to be in every activity under the sun.  To be honest, they aren't in anything other than a music class and school right now and some days that even feels like a lot.  Granted, I want to get them into some activities, but as they get older, I need to remember that one or two things a season is plenty--running from one thing every night will not work for me or my family.  I need to take a hard look at the things I do for "fun" and really determine if they are fun and allowing me to de-stress or are they causing me more stress.  And one of the biggest things that I have had to learn is don't schedule too much into a day or week or weekend.   Yes, we were invited to two birthdays in one day, but we don't have to be at both, it's ok to say no.  A friend called and needed a sub for her meals on wheels--I could have been crazy and tried to make it work, but in the back of my mind, I knew it wouldn't work and would only cause me more stress.  I found out about a committee meeting for women's club that was scheduled on a night that I already had my haircut scheduled for, previously, I would have texted my hairdresser to change so I could figure out a way to do both, but I have realized that sometimes I just have to say no, I already have plans. 

I by no means have this all figured out, and I know that it is going to be a work in progess as the girls get older and more and more stuff comes our way.  I have to prioritize and while priorities may change over time, I know that simply having too much on my plate stresses me out, yet at times I still try to pile more and more stuff on.  So in hopes of leading a more peaceful 2013, I am learning to say no or as Ella would say, No, No, No and wag her finger at you :)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

My how the times have changed!

I'm pretty tired after a jam packed weekend, but I just had to share one photo before retreating to bed for the night--yes, don't laugh, I do normally go to bed around 8 or 8:30, I like my sleep :)  On Saturday, my college girlfriends and I got together for a mini reunion which is always so fun to see everyone and catch up--but add 9 kids to the mix, and you have yourself a PARTY!!!!  This was the first time that we have gotten all the kids together and it just goes to show what a difference 5 years can make.  Nine kids, 5 and under, I'd say we've been busy :) It was awesome to see everyone, but definitely a lot different when you are trying to chase your kids around while pretending like you are back in college.  I was so tired last night, I totally crashed when I got home--yep, even earlier than my usual 8:30 bedtime :)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Fitness Friday

Brrrr, it has been cold around here and I am longing for summer--I would even take Spring at this point.  I have realized that having a pool covered up out back is awesome in the summer, but a real big tease in the midst of below zero temps.  And our hot tub isn't even working right now so that's not an option.  I know cry me a river, right.  So, what other way to long for summer than talk about getting swim suit ready!

I have been following weight watchers this month and it is going pretty well, I (fingers crossed) am going to weigh in with my first 5 pound weight loss tomorrow.  I was .2 away last week, so I have to figure that I at least lost .2 pounds this week.  I have done pretty well in the eating department, but would still love to cut some out some of the processed food that we have in the house.  We have been much better with having fruits and veggies for snacks, and I must say the key to eating them is to cut and prepare them as soon as I get home from the grocery store.  It's definitely a lot more work than just running to the pantry to get a snack, but I have definitely felt better and I am not craving sugar as much as I was before, so that's a start!

In terms of fitness, I have always been pretty good about getting to the gym so that isn't too difficult for me.  I am trying to incorporate so different classes into my workout schedule to vary things up a bit.  One class that I am loving right now is called Centergy.  I think I talked about it before, but it is a mix of yoga, pilates, barre type stuff set to music.  The reason I never liked yoga or pilates before was due to the lack of good music--well this hits the spot for me.  I also tried Group Power this week--I think other places it is call Body Pump or something similar.  It basically a total body weight class with a barbell--again set to music.  I NEED good music to be motivated--well and someone telling me what to do, so these classes are fitting the bill.  I know some people don't enjoy group classes, but I have found that I feed off of the energy of the people around me and it's like doing a trainer telling me what to do and I don't have to think about it.  If you haven't tried any group classes, try one, you just might like it. 

The other staples of my routine are spinning and running.  Back to the classes--my gym now offers an AWESOME class called Pedal and Pump.  Basically it is a mix between spinning and then every 3 songs or so, we pick up hand weights and do weights while still spinning (at a slower pace :))  It burns a ton of calories because your heart rate stays up the entire class.  I haven't taken a SoulCycle class before--the class that Kelly Ripa swears by and she is crazy fit, but it seems like it would be similar to this class so hopefully I will see the same (ok, probably not the same), but similar results.

In terms of running, I am trying to get in one run a week focusing on speed training.  Like I have said before, I am not fast, and I am not running races to beat times or anything, but I'm sure that I could go a little faster if I trained a little bit with some speed work.  I am going to give it a try.  I'll report back on how it goes--let's just hope I don't fall off the treadmill trying to go faster.  I've heard that treadmill injuries are on the rise :)

Do you have any group classes that you love?
What does your fitness routine look like?

I am also thinking that I would like to do some shakes/smoothies.  I got a new blender this week.  I know, exciting stuff again so I want to do some more protein shakes and it's a good way to get some more fruits and veggies in.  Any thoughts on protein powders?  I am finding that I really need some more protein when I am done working out or I am super hungry the rest of the day.  The problem that I have though is that all the protein bars are really high in points.  Thoughts?

Alright, well that's all for Fitness Friday.  We have a fun, busy weekend ahead which I am looking forward to after a couple of lazy weekends.  Whoo hoo for babysitters!!!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The conversations you never thought you would have. . .

Oh to have a 2, almost 3-year-old, brings on some very interesting (and lengthy) conversations on topics that you just wish you didn't have to discuss.  Take for instance, my 20 minute conversation on what is going to happen to the roadkill raccoon that Kiley saw in the street coming out of the gym today.   What happened mommy? Who is going to pick it up mommy? Was it an accident? What happened to his face mommy? Who is going to wipe his face mommy? Was it a car or a truck that hit it? How did it happen? On and on and on and on. . . .Now, I don't want to lie to her, but after awhile of me saying, I don't know how it happened, you get to the point where you just don't want to discuss roadkill anymore.  Then we get to picking up Ella--and guess what--the whole roadkill story all over again, with more questions.  I don't know what I am going to do when they are both talking and having these conversations :) 

It is pretty comical the stuff that comes out of her mouth these days, such as when we passed the Hampton Inn yesterday and she pointed it out saying Grandma and Papa live there--that's Arizona.  Granted they stayed there one time this past summer and how she remembers that, I have no idea, but guess we will have to start working on a little geography lesson.

God love her, she keeps me on my toes, and I am thankful everyday for her--roadkill questions and all :)

Monday, January 21, 2013

One of Kiley's favorite books

It seems only fitting that I share one of Kiley's favorite books with you today.  This is a totally random book that I got from the dollar section of Target years ago and it quickly became a favorite. You know one of those books you hate to read, but yet, your child always seem to pick it out.  Yep, that's this one for me.  Don't get me wrong--I don't dislike the content of the book, it's just after reading it day and and day out for the past couple of years, I am kind of over it.  But, I didn't mind reading it today.  Kind of made sense!

Hey, maybe some day my girl will be President.  You never know!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Anyone who knows me, knows that I can be quite hard on people.  I expect a lot from them and get disappointed when they don't live up to my expectations.  This isn't something that I am proud of and I would generally say that it can be a pretty big flaw for myself.  Now, don't get me wrong, I'm just as hard on myself  which makes living up to my own expectations pretty tough and I can be known to put myself through the ringer every now and then.  And while I like to put a nicer spin on it by saying that I'm just expect a lot from people, the reality is, which is tough to say, is that I am judgmental.  Now that I have become more aware of my personality flaw, it's amazing how often thoughts of judgement pop up throughout the day. In the past week, there have been tons of stories on the news where I have judgements on the people are the centers of the stories/scandals.  How could he say that she was his girlfriend without ever meeting her?  How could he spend years lying and feeling ok accepting medal after medal knowing he was a cheat?  How could his wife know that he was cheating and not turn him in?  Question and question is just really a bunch of judgements.  I like to think that I would know what I would do in these situations.  We all hope that we would do the "right" thing, but who is to say what is the "right" thing.  As I have spent more time over the past couple of months joining and becoming part of our new church, I am also trying to look at situations a little differently.  Looking at situations/people without judgement, knowing that it isn't my place to judge, and realizing that my judgment doesn't matter.  No one, other than myself, cares how I judge a situation.  How I see it can be very different than how someone else sees it.  What I would do may be very different than what someone else would do-and who am I to say what is right and what is wrong.  It's tough to change my perspective on how I view things as thoughts of judgement often pop into my mind, but I have also found comfort in this change of thought pattern.  I don't have to waste time or energy over analyzing a situation, and I don't have to be disappointed because someone didn't live up to my expectations.  I find comfort in something that a much older and wiser lady from my bible study group once said, "It's not my place to judge anyone. Only God knows the path that each of us is on, and only he can know if we haven't followed the path that he has laid for us."

Friday, January 18, 2013

Some thoughts on running

So, every day-time talk show I turned on today was in full Lance Armstrong discussion mode, which got me thinking, and somehow I ended back at running.  I know--random, but it does make a little bit of sense--well at least to me it does. 

So, let's be clear on one thing.  I am not a good runner.  I'm slow, I don't have very good form, and I haven't even been running for very long.  On a whim last year, I decided to sign up for a half-marathon because a friend was doing it.  Everything that I have heard about running, is that it is mostly mental and if you train, anyone can do it.  Sounds simple enough, right?  Yes, anyone can run.  My two-year-old can run--and sometimes (ok, a lot of the times) can outrun me.  But, to be good at running, now that takes skill and practice and training and willpower and stamina and the list goes on and on. 

Ok, so again you ask, how did you get on this subject from Lance Armstrong.  Well, I got to thinking at how I want my girls to see what's important in sports and athletics--which led me to dig a little deeper into why I run.  I don't run to be first, I don't run to beat any certain time, I don't run for money, I do it because I enjoy it (well, I enjoy it when I'm done :))  I train and work hard with no need for anyone's admiration or respect.  Sure, it's nice to get a good job from someone when I finish and to hear people motivating me along the way, but primarily I do it for myself.  I have no idea what my girls are going to be interested in in terms of sports or activities, but one thing is for sure, I want them to do something they enjoy.  I don't want to pressure them to be the best.  I don't want them to feel like they have to win a game or be the fastest.  I don't want them to worry about being in the front of the formation if they dance.  I just want them to enjoy what they are doing and work hard.  I don't want them to ever cheat to get ahead or have an advantage over someone else.  I don't want them to feel like they would ever be disappointing me if they aren't the best, or even good.  I just want to see them enjoy what they are doing and do the best that they possibly can with the gifts that they have been given.

As I cross each finish line, I realize that I am not the best, middle of the pack if I am lucky--more like back of the pack most of the time, but I am enjoying it and I am trying my best. I am putting in the work and in the end, I am content knowing that I am able to just finish the race.  I wonder if Lance Armstrong would want the same for his children, or if he holds them to some unattainable standard of perfection.  That it indeed setting someone up for failure, and I don't ever want my children to feel like failures.  Even someone who has tried and come in dead last, did more than the person that didn't even try and that is the message about sports that I want to convey to my girls.  So, my final thought on running I guess is, while I may come in dead last, I still worked hard to get to last place--I still put in the same miles as those that won the race, it just took me a little longer :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Kids do the darndest things

Like trying to swipe the credit cards in the computer like you swipe them at the store, only to get them somehow stuck in the CD-rom drive.  All of this without me knowing, so imagine the amount of time spent looking for said cards, then when I ask Kiley, she immediately points to the computer.  I continue to be a little confused, except then she point to the CD drive, so of course, I open it--and nothing.  I figure she must be wrong and forgotten what she did with the cards, but nope, she was right, they were just really stuck in there.  Luckily, with a little help for again my more patient and level-headed husband, credit and debit cards were rescued.  Oh this girl, she can never remember 4 in counting to 10, but she seems to somehow figured out that you need to swipe the cards for it to do something.  This girl is almost too observant for her own good.  Moral of the story--don't give this girl a credit card while shopping, who knows how much debt she will rack up :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ordinary Days

So, I did a little bit better on getting the camera out last week.  I didn't get everyday, but baby steps, right? Here's to what I hope can be a weekly segment--as long as I make sure to get my camera out a couple times a week-so here you have Ordinary Days, Week 1!   

Doggy on the mend!

50 degrees in January-we will  take it!

I'm sure I will be seeing this look a lot more in about 5-7 years.

I know, I'm so mean, trying to make her eat carbs. Ha!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Potty-training 101

I think that I probably should have signed up for the higher level potty training class because let's just say I had no idea.  We have tried to potty train a couple of times now and life seemed to get in the way in some way or another.  Right after Kiley turned 2, we tried for a couple of days, but I think that she was just not ready.  I was basically training myself just to take her to the bathroom when I would remember--sometimes she would go, sometimes not.  But, after a few days, I realized that maybe it was better just to hold off instead of taking her to the bathroom a million times only to have her have an accident as we are walking out of the bathroom.

The second time we tried it was right when we were moving and I really thought we had it, and we probably did, but like I said life got in the way, I got frustrated and weI gave up.  It was too much going on at once.  Then we had a big set-back when Kiley no longer wanted anything to do with the potty.  Wouldn't wear underwear anymore, didn't want the pull-ups, and wouldn't even sit on the potty.  So we took another break.

Then over winter break, I decided it was time to try again.  So, Saturday morning we got up, really excited after having talked about saying bye bye to diapers the night before.  Yep, a major meltdown occurred just even putting on the underwear.  Oh the tears, I tell you.  I wanted to give up right then and there, but Kevin, the voice of reason, somehow convinced her to put the underwear on--and by somehow I mean that he had to put underwear over Ella's diapers to make it look like everyone now had to wear underwear.  So day 1, we actually got the underwear on--didn't actually sit on the potty, but we made progress.  At the end of the day, I talked up  putting on the undies again the next day.  I was excited, Kiley was excited, I was all like, "Alright, we got this, day 1 down of the 3 day potty training." Um, yeah right, three days, I don't think so.

The next morning, same meltdown putting on the undies.  And when I say meltdown, I don't just mean by Kiley.  I myself had my own potty-training meltdown telling Kevin I just didn't know what I was doing and she was never going to be able to go to three-year-old pre-school.  Yes, I was being totally dramatic which was not making things worse.  This potty-training stuff is hard!!!  So, eventually we got the undies on again, but again the refusal of actually using the potty.

Day after day, getting the undies on got a little easier, but we still weren't making progress on actually going.  To give you an idea, there were so major tears on day three of not dropping the kids off to swim if you know what I mean.  We needed help!  So who did we turn to--oh that's right, we turned to Elmo.  Kevin found some Elmo goes potty app for the Ipad. By Friday morning after playing with the app for a while, no joke, something clicked.  Well, and maybe finally figuring out that she would get a gummy bear if she used the potty, but finally something clicked--not on day three like I had read, but on day 6 so not bad.

No joke, we haven't, knock on wood, had an accident since then and she actually tells me when she has to go.  So my only words of advice is have patience and try to avoid your own meltdowns.  If it weren't for my more patient and level-headed husband, Kiley would probably be back in diapers and I would be back to reading more books on potty-training and how easy it is in three days.  Reality--not easy and takes longer than three days!

Thursday, January 10, 2013


I kind of thought by the time I reached adulthood that I would be free of insecurities.  I thought that being free of the high school gossip and college drama, by the time I had a husband and kids, and spending my days home in the comfort of my own home most of the day, I would shed any insecurities I had.  I was wrong.  I guess we all have our insecurities and they pop up in different times, places, and events in our lives. 

After having two babies via c-section and now trying to lose the weight, I have insecurities about my body.  I  know that the scar and stretchmarks and extra pounds have a story to tell.  Without them I wouldn't have my beautiful daughters, but with them, I don't feel as toned and in shape as I once used to.  I see other mom's who seem to just bounce back and look better than ever before, and I am insecure.  "How does she look like that?" crosses my mind.  I wish I didn't feel this way, and I wish I have more willpower to not compare myself to others, but it's hard.  I look in the mirror and things just aren't the same.  I guess that comes with getting older as well and things are naturally going to shift and change, but knowing the reality of it doesn't make the insecurities go away. 

Then comes the insecurities of being a parent.  I went to years and years of schooling to do a job that I was at for six year.  My current job, stay-at-home mom/wife, I had no training.  You think that things are going to come naturally and then the insecurity sets in when you realize you have no idea what you are For instance, potty training--no idea.  I read the books and thought I had a clue before we started--of course, those things didn't work for my child and I was left feeling insecure and confused.  Then I compare myself to other mom's and feel even worse.  It seems like they have it all together.  They have time to clean and cook and do fun crafts and teach their kids at home.  Me, on the other hand, there are days when I am just trying to make it through the day.  Days where I do put on a few too many episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse to give myself a little downtime (and let's be honest, in that time I'm not using it effectively to clean or cook). 

The hard thing is as we get older, no one is really there to cheer us on in day to day life.  No one is constantly telling us we are doing a good job.  I kind of miss those days of high school when I could get a test back and see for myself with the grade on the paper whether or not I did a good job.  I miss a coach telling me they could see the hardwork that I was putting in.  I even sometimes miss going to work and people listening to me in a meeting because they value what I have to say or a student say thanks for listening. 

I must admit that sometimes this lack of feedback leads to my insecurities.  It's hard to look inside ourselves and tell ourself that we are doing a good job or praise ourselves for the 5 pounds that we have lost, but it's that internal motivation that is going to keep us going.  In keeping with trying to improve on some key areas of my life, I really would like to shed some of these insecurities and be comfortable with who I am at this given point in time.  It may not be at a weight that I love when I look at the scale, and I may do things differently as a parent that I ever said I would, but this is who I am--right now.  Now, there is always room for growth and change, but if I can't be comfortable with who I am today, then I can't grow, I can't change.  So for today, I will get out there and do the best that I can.  I will try to eat healthy, and get to the gym, I will try to engage my children and do fun activities, but if I slip up-it's ok too because I know that in spite of my insecurities, I have security of my family and friends to fall back on.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Where has my baby gone?

In the last three weeks, my baby has gone from having a pacifier, taking naps, and wearing diapers to now no pacifier, no naps, and being potty trained.  Granted, it was winter break, so we were trying to tackle a bunch of these things when she didn't have school, but it still  makes me a little sad.  I kind of miss her asking for her paci, and I won't change another one of her diapers, and major bummer--I don't have a nice stretch of time while she is sleeping (and we all know she really should still be taking a nap based on her behavior at the end of the day yesterday).  But, I know this is my job as mom to help shape her into an independent, self-sufficient adult.  Although, I can still cringe each time she goes to get her own glass of water knowing full well that she will probably spill it all over the floor right now :)

Kiley Newborn--photo by Katie Ryan Photography  

Monday, January 7, 2013

Weekend Recap

This weekend was a pretty normal weekend around our household--or I guess what is going to be a more normal weekend this year.  The end of last year, weekends were CRAZY, so I am hoping for more time spent at home this year and less constant running around from this to that.

I got back to Weight Watchers on Saturday morning--the weigh in after the holidays didn't result in any weight loss but some weight gain--no shock there after the splurging I did over the holidays.  But, this is a new year/new start and like I said before-this is the year that I am finally getting back to that pre-pregnancy weight.  I really have enjoyed the meetings that I have been to thus far.  I think that it is important to find a leader who motivates you and helps you take something away from every meeting, whether you have two pounds to lose or 200.  This week we talked about hedonic eating which is simply just eating for the sake of pleasure--anyone do this?  I find myself in this hedonic eating trap after dinner.  I am constantly wanting something sweet, but I'm obviously not hungry since I have just had dinner.  This week, my goal is to curb that craving time after dinner so I am trying a week of no desserts.  I've made it two nights thus far, hopefully I can make it the week.  It's hard!

After that I hit up the gym for a run on the treadmill and then the centergy class which is a mix between yoga and pilates.  I love it!  The music is good and it reminds me of stretching back in my dancer days.  Then we headed home for a quick lunch and I was right back out to hit the grocery store. 

We had a babysitter Saturday night and went to a movie and dinner/drinks.  I haven't been to a movie since before Kiley was born-yes I said Kiley-almost three years ago.  I forgot how much I enjoy seeing movies in the theater.  Nothing else to distract me and I get two hours to sit and focus on one thing--now that doesn't happen much/if ever anymore.  We saw Silver Linings Playbook-the inner psychologist in me got to come out and there was romance involved so of course I liked it.  I even told Kevin I enjoyed going to the movie so much I might even go with him in a couple of weeks to see Lincoln.  We had dinner at Lincoln Whiskey Kitchen by the mall.  It was good, but really busy and they seemed to be rushing us out of there.  I enjoyed the food, but maybe would prefer something a little bit more low-key for date night. 

Sunday morning we woke up to Madison not being able to walk on one of her back legs.  Ugh, my poor doggy.  Kevin took her to the emergency vet and they didn't find anything so they think maybe she just sprained her leg.  She is a bit better today so hopefully with a few days rest, so will be back to normal.  After they got back, I took the girls to the gym with me.  Got in 5 miles on the treadmill which isn't too shabby since I haven't been doing much running lately. 

Then off to the car wash--I am trying to organize one area a week this year.  The first was my car.  We aren't even going to discuss the nightmare that my car was.  The food that the girls throw on the floor was disgusting!!!  So, a wash inside and out was certainly needed.  I wish I could have gotten a picture or video of the girls going through the car wash, but I was too busy consoling them.  They were terrified.  I thought it would be fun for them--guess not!

Dinner and an early bedtime rounded out the weekend.  A nice low-key weekend that is hopefully a trend that will continue.  With the last crazy couple of years, I'm really looking forward to less on the calendar this year and more time just spent enjoying my family.  With that, I realize I need to get better at taking pictures of ordinary days.  I got a new camera for my birthday/Christmas, and of course I always take pictures of the bigger things, but as this post goes to show, I don't take pictures of everyday life.  My goal for this week (along with no desserts) is to get a picture of ordinary life everyday.  Because, quite frankly, the ordinary moments are the ones that I will probably forget quicker than the others so I need to capture them before I get to the point in ten years where I am like, what did I do with all my free time, ha, free time! 

Friday, January 4, 2013

This is it!

This is it!  The year that I am finally going to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.  Probably not so much my pre-pregnancy body so much since after delivering two babies, my body isn't quite the same.  But I do plan of finally shedding the weight in time for our 5 year anniversary trip in July.  I have done Weight Watchers in the past, and have always had success for a couple of weeks when I have done it online, but have always found that I do much better when I go to the meetings and am held accountable for weighing in. So, back to the tracking and meal planning I go. 

This year though, I have a few habits that I really want to kick for good in the way of nutrition.  One being to dreaded pop habit.  I don't really drink a lot of it, but every thing I read always says how bad it is for you, so I question why I still drink it.  I have tried a couple times to stop drinking it and like anything, I am good for a couple of weeks and then it slowly creeps back into my diet.  Then I came across this in Health magazine--which by the way is an awesome magazine if you are looking for a motivational magazine, packed full of info, not fluff. 

66 days.  That's the average time it took people to form a new habit, according to a recent study at University College London--so be sure to give yourself enough time (and don't be hard on yourself if you're still slipping up one month later).  The date to check in on those resolutions? March 7.

So, that's what I am aiming for--I am committing to following through on my point tracking and no pop until March 7th at the earliest.  You know I always have these lofty goals, but this year I am really trying to stick to them and make this my healthiest year yet.  Not so easy for a sweet addict like myself!

So, in keeping with the trend, blog posts may be more health and fitness related for the time being, but don't worry you will still get your dose of kiddo, family, dog, crazy life stories to sprinkle in. 

Here's to a healthy weekend!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Facebook break

It's hard to believe that a few years ago we didn't have Facebook or Ipads--and even when I was in college, we didn't even have cell phones.  My friends and I joke that it was so much harder to get a hold of people in college and we really had to work to run into the guy that we wanted to see on a Saturday night.  We joke about how college kids have it so easy these days.  Well, with that ease--it also takes you to a place where you don't have to work to hard to connect with people.  While this may seem like a good thing, with the advent of Facebook, for me I think that it is a detriment.  I fully admit that I have become a lazy friend.  I rarely pick up the phone to call someone, I don't send a lot of personal emails, I don't write letters or cards--all of these things I really enjoy getting from others so why don't I do more of it.  I spend time on Facebook looking at people's updates that I haven't talked to in years and probably won't ever talk to again, but I don't spend enough time on the people that really matter.  That is definitely an area that I need to improve on this year.  This was brought to my attention a couple of times this week so I have made a decision to take a little break from relying on Facebook to keep me up-to-date on people's lives and put in a bit more effort myself.  Life isn't about status updates-it's about real relationships--face to face ones, not the ones we initiate or try to maintain on the computer.  While I may not have a ton of time--I have time to write a quick note every once in a while, instead of a quick text, I can put in a phone call.  I've read numerous studies saying that it's good for the body and soul to really connect with friends and family--the key words there are to really connect.  So in 2013, I am making strides to really connect and try to not be such a lazy friend, sister, daughter, mom, wife. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

"Wanna come out to play"

So after getting to bed at 12:05 on New Year's Eve--hey I made it to midnight and that is an accomplishment in itself, I was awoken at 5:15 by crazy barking and howling.  Of course the dog lover in me immediately is concerned.  I try to look out our upstairs windows but couldn't see anything, but the barking continued and sounded so close, so I ventured downstairs to get a better look.  I look out the laundry room window and see something behind the bushes--off to the mudroom for a better look.  I see the barking "dog" which is right by our driveway behind the bushes.  I decide to knock on the window to see if he will come out--of course he comes out and it is no dog but a lovely coyote just barking away wondering if Morgan and Madison want to come out to play.

My first instinct is to check to make sure the dog is locked because we all know that coyotes can turn knobs and walk into your house :)  Then, of course, I had to get Kevin up to verify that this "dog" was indeed a wild animal and I should not go out to try to rescue it from the cold.  Yep--after making the trek downstairs begrudgingly, he agreed we should not go out to pet our new friend.  Instead, he decided that in order to get the coyote to leave and stop barking--he would just open the window and ask the coyote to leave.  Who knew that coyotes actually do listen and away he ran.

Ugh,  I did not know that Morgan and Madison were running with some a "wild" group of friends.  I am definitely going to have to sit them down and talk to them about their choice of friends--and also that 5:15 in the morning is not an appropriate time for their friends to stop over for a visit. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy Birthday Papa!

Well, surprisingly, I did make it to midnight and then was woken up extremely early by an unexpected visitor (more on that later-I know such the intrigue), so of course I am a little tired today.  However, with plans of eating apps and watching football all day, I'm not planning anything crazy for the first day of the new year other than enjoy our last day of family time.  But, I did want to stop in and wish the best dad and papa a very happy birthday!!!!  We love you!

 I just love this picture of Papa and his girls.  My girls are so lucky to have a Papa that adores them to pieces--even when they are a little naughty :) 

Oh this picture is just too good not to put up here and completely embarrass myself with--we are two peas in a pod all right, matching sweaters and all (correction--mine is actually a sweater vest with a denim shirt underneath--even better).  Love you dad! Hope you have a great day!