Monday, January 7, 2013

Weekend Recap

This weekend was a pretty normal weekend around our household--or I guess what is going to be a more normal weekend this year.  The end of last year, weekends were CRAZY, so I am hoping for more time spent at home this year and less constant running around from this to that.

I got back to Weight Watchers on Saturday morning--the weigh in after the holidays didn't result in any weight loss but some weight gain--no shock there after the splurging I did over the holidays.  But, this is a new year/new start and like I said before-this is the year that I am finally getting back to that pre-pregnancy weight.  I really have enjoyed the meetings that I have been to thus far.  I think that it is important to find a leader who motivates you and helps you take something away from every meeting, whether you have two pounds to lose or 200.  This week we talked about hedonic eating which is simply just eating for the sake of pleasure--anyone do this?  I find myself in this hedonic eating trap after dinner.  I am constantly wanting something sweet, but I'm obviously not hungry since I have just had dinner.  This week, my goal is to curb that craving time after dinner so I am trying a week of no desserts.  I've made it two nights thus far, hopefully I can make it the week.  It's hard!

After that I hit up the gym for a run on the treadmill and then the centergy class which is a mix between yoga and pilates.  I love it!  The music is good and it reminds me of stretching back in my dancer days.  Then we headed home for a quick lunch and I was right back out to hit the grocery store. 

We had a babysitter Saturday night and went to a movie and dinner/drinks.  I haven't been to a movie since before Kiley was born-yes I said Kiley-almost three years ago.  I forgot how much I enjoy seeing movies in the theater.  Nothing else to distract me and I get two hours to sit and focus on one thing--now that doesn't happen much/if ever anymore.  We saw Silver Linings Playbook-the inner psychologist in me got to come out and there was romance involved so of course I liked it.  I even told Kevin I enjoyed going to the movie so much I might even go with him in a couple of weeks to see Lincoln.  We had dinner at Lincoln Whiskey Kitchen by the mall.  It was good, but really busy and they seemed to be rushing us out of there.  I enjoyed the food, but maybe would prefer something a little bit more low-key for date night. 

Sunday morning we woke up to Madison not being able to walk on one of her back legs.  Ugh, my poor doggy.  Kevin took her to the emergency vet and they didn't find anything so they think maybe she just sprained her leg.  She is a bit better today so hopefully with a few days rest, so will be back to normal.  After they got back, I took the girls to the gym with me.  Got in 5 miles on the treadmill which isn't too shabby since I haven't been doing much running lately. 

Then off to the car wash--I am trying to organize one area a week this year.  The first was my car.  We aren't even going to discuss the nightmare that my car was.  The food that the girls throw on the floor was disgusting!!!  So, a wash inside and out was certainly needed.  I wish I could have gotten a picture or video of the girls going through the car wash, but I was too busy consoling them.  They were terrified.  I thought it would be fun for them--guess not!

Dinner and an early bedtime rounded out the weekend.  A nice low-key weekend that is hopefully a trend that will continue.  With the last crazy couple of years, I'm really looking forward to less on the calendar this year and more time just spent enjoying my family.  With that, I realize I need to get better at taking pictures of ordinary days.  I got a new camera for my birthday/Christmas, and of course I always take pictures of the bigger things, but as this post goes to show, I don't take pictures of everyday life.  My goal for this week (along with no desserts) is to get a picture of ordinary life everyday.  Because, quite frankly, the ordinary moments are the ones that I will probably forget quicker than the others so I need to capture them before I get to the point in ten years where I am like, what did I do with all my free time, ha, free time! 

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