Friday, January 4, 2013

This is it!

This is it!  The year that I am finally going to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.  Probably not so much my pre-pregnancy body so much since after delivering two babies, my body isn't quite the same.  But I do plan of finally shedding the weight in time for our 5 year anniversary trip in July.  I have done Weight Watchers in the past, and have always had success for a couple of weeks when I have done it online, but have always found that I do much better when I go to the meetings and am held accountable for weighing in. So, back to the tracking and meal planning I go. 

This year though, I have a few habits that I really want to kick for good in the way of nutrition.  One being to dreaded pop habit.  I don't really drink a lot of it, but every thing I read always says how bad it is for you, so I question why I still drink it.  I have tried a couple times to stop drinking it and like anything, I am good for a couple of weeks and then it slowly creeps back into my diet.  Then I came across this in Health magazine--which by the way is an awesome magazine if you are looking for a motivational magazine, packed full of info, not fluff. 

66 days.  That's the average time it took people to form a new habit, according to a recent study at University College London--so be sure to give yourself enough time (and don't be hard on yourself if you're still slipping up one month later).  The date to check in on those resolutions? March 7.

So, that's what I am aiming for--I am committing to following through on my point tracking and no pop until March 7th at the earliest.  You know I always have these lofty goals, but this year I am really trying to stick to them and make this my healthiest year yet.  Not so easy for a sweet addict like myself!

So, in keeping with the trend, blog posts may be more health and fitness related for the time being, but don't worry you will still get your dose of kiddo, family, dog, crazy life stories to sprinkle in. 

Here's to a healthy weekend!

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